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Is it possible to drive the growth of coffee machine sinking market by returning young people crowded into the coffee shop ?

A cup of coffee every day has become a new way of life for young people, as well as during the Spring Festival.

According to the Times Finance and Economics report, coffee shops in many lower-tier cities are very popular during the Spring Festival. Backed by the consumption of returning workers, the stores often sell hundreds of cups a day. Some stores even need to queue for more than an hour to buy a cup of coffee.

With the penetration of coffee culture, the coffee market in China has become more and more popular year by year, and the war has also spread to lower-tier cities. According to the "2022 Report on the Development of China's Current Coffee Category" released by Meituan Gourmet Union Cafe, the number of coffee stores in the third-tier cities increased the fastest from 2021 to 2022, reaching 19%. As mentioned in the report, even Guoyang, the county seat of the "18th Line", now has Ruixing Coffee.

When drinking coffee has become an established habit in life, consumers' requirements for coffee quality are also gradually improving. In recent years, in the Chinese coffee market, the proportion of freshly ground coffee and espresso coffee has been increasing. The "coffee craze" that has sunk in the market during the Spring Festival is an opportunity for coffee machine enterprises. The "rich and idle" status of the young people in small towns coincides with the selling point of small household appliances to improve the quality of life.

When the post-85, post-90 and post-95 generations become the "core consumer groups" in the home appliance market, enterprises are also exploring more possibilities of the coffee machine track to meet the urgent need of consumers to realize "coffee freedom" at home.

From the perspective of coffee machine market structure, the sales volume of automatic high-pressure extraction coffee machine is the highest due to its convenient and stable characteristics, accounting for nearly 60% of the sales volume. For example, the EQ.9 plus series of fully automatic coffee machines launched by Siemens last year, equipped with iAroma intelligent extraction system, fully restore the flavor of coffee beans from the original country, and produce stable and efficient products to meet consumers' demand for high-quality coffee.

With the increasing variety of coffee machines, there are also a great variety of brands and products for consumers to choose from. For example, the capsule coffee machine with rich taste and convenient use can make milk tea and soymilk in addition to coffee, as well as the portable coffee machine favored by consumers in the background of camping fever.

In fact, while coffee "continues to live", it also brings consumers a sense of satisfaction of "enjoying quality life". Some netizens said that making a cup of coffee by hand became one of his ways to relieve his worries and enjoy life. In the little red book of social media, there are more than 600000 notes about "coffee machine" and another 20000 notes to share with you how to build your own "family coffee corner". The coffee machine with high beauty value will continuously upgrade the home scene with the strength of "coffee", such as the red limited semi-automatic coffee machine launched by Delong in the Spring Festival of the Rabbit, and will join hands with the new designer Zhang Zhanzhan to welcome the start of the Spring Festival with the limited color of the Chinese Spring Festival. Professional configuration ensures the stable production of coffee, but also gives consumers the opportunity to "show themselves".

According to the Analysis Report on the Market Demand and Investment Planning of China's Coffee Industry from 2020 to 2025, the average annual growth rate of coffee consumption in China has reached 15%, far higher than the growth rate of 2% in the world. It is estimated that the size of China's coffee market will reach 217.1 billion yuan by 2025. The data revealed that the domestic coffee machine market in China is in the stage of vigorous development, and the sinking market is a good opportunity for the coffee machine category. With the trend of population return in some third-tier and fourth-tier cities, the youth return and entrepreneurship tide has increased the proportion of "small town youth" employed in their hometown, and the market also has more room for growth.


Shaoxing Shangyu Hoping Electric Appliance Co., Ltd